Listen to Black Women — Repost from Heidi Barr

Most of this month I’m traveling – a combination of work and pleasure – so my writing routine is erratic. Plus, my mind is whirring with issues I care about deeply – preservation of orca whales and the Salish Sea, white supremacy and white privilege, the Supreme Court nomination process, immigration policies, and Hurricane Florence to name a few.  I’m searching to find what I can do as a writer to contribute to conversations on these topics.

Fellow Homebound Publications author Heidi Barr is seeking, too. In a recent post, she expressed well my desire, like hers, to write about white privilege; I received Heidi’s permission to re-post her essay here.  I’ll continue to listen to black women and other people of color and examine my white privilege. And I hope I’ll have the courage, like Heidi, to risk saying the wrong thing. Remaining quiet is no longer an option.

Heidi invited readers to add to her list of resources at the end of her post.  Here’s one I recommend:  So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo. Thank you, Heidi, for speaking about racism. I look forward to more conversations.

“America would not be the wealthy country it is without slave labor. We would not have our power or wealth if we had not, for a very long time, depended on the unpaid labor of millions of human beings. I feel like I shouldn’t have to spell this out, but maybe I do. America was […]

via Listen to Black Women — Heidi Barr | Author